Heat Treatment - 2007
International Specialized Exhibition

Time of realization: November 13 - 16, 2007.

Place of realization: All-Russian Exhibition Center, hall No 70 "Moskva".

Organizer: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".

Information Report on the activity:

The International specialized exhibition “Heat Treatment” held at the Center “Moskva” (The All Russian Exhibition Center, Hall No70) was finished on the 16th of November, 2007, the Exhibition Company “Mir-Expo” being the Organizer.

The main purpose of the exhibition was to run the event intended for the broad circles of the specialists, scientists and entrepreneurs aimed to establish new business contacts and promote providing the innovation technologies of the thermal impact into the practical work.

Such organizations as, IPSEN, UTTIS Industries, MIUS, ELTERM Ltd., SCHMETZ GmbH, S.T. Crown, Private Industry enterprise of machine-building “Tula Institute of Design and Technology”, Can-Eng Furmaces, General Insulation Europe Ltd., etc took part in the exhibition.

The exposition of the exhibition highlighted the following subjects: the modern technologies and the equipment of the thermal mechanical, thermal chemical, dimension and surface treatment of the different materials, the energy-efficient technologies of the thermal industry, the heating furnace equipment (vacuum furnaces, arc furnaces, inductive heating, electrical resistance furnaces, cathode-ray and electron beam heating installations), the heat-treatment equipment and refrigerants, thermal-electric ecologically related installations, the heat treatment quality assurance, the heat engineering measurement provided for the thermal industry, IR and SHF heating, technologies and the equipment Intended for the low temperature Impact.

The “Innovation Technologies of Heat Treatment” practical-research seminar was run in the frame work of the exhibition.

Program of the conference:

"High effective technological processes in accordance with the European regulations and related to the thermal production of the machine-building enterprises, the boiling layer of the heat resistant nano-porous spherical catalyst being applied", A. N. Bobok, Private Industry enterprise of machine-building "Tula Institute of Design and Technology";

"The modern complex intended to the transparent hardening of the plain billets, the inductive heating being applied", Yu. M. Pleshkov, Estel Elektro AS;

"The new technological possibilities of the direct current arc furnaces of the new generation developed by JSC "NTF "ECTA", V. S. Malinovskiy, JSC "Technical-research firm "ECTA";

"The energy-efficient units manufactured by JSC "Kerammash", A. Yu. Akincha, JSC "Kerammash".

The Organizing Committee has obtained the favorable as a whole reviews concerning the exhibition. A number of the exhibitors have announced their intention to take part in the further International specialized exhibition “Heat Treatment”

Heat Treatment - 2007 List of Exhibitors:

  • Can-Eng Furnaces
  • Elterm, NPP
  • General Insulation Europe Ltd.
  • IPSEN International GmbH
  • S. T. Crown LTD.
  • SCHMETZ GmbH Vacuum Furnaces
  • Tula Institute of Design and Technology, Private Industry enterprise of machine-building
  • UTTIS Industries SA, Shareholder’s company

Exhibition photos:

Heat Treatment - 2011 photos

Need more information?

Please call us: +7 (495) 137-78-25, +7 800 333-78-25, or e-mail us: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



18th International Specialized Exhibition "Heat Treatment - 2025", September, 2025, Moscow, Russia

Heat treatment, industrial furnaces, laboratory furnaces, induction equipment, lining, insulation, carbon materials, refractories, endogenerators, centrifugal casting, non-destructive testing, kiln,
hardening equipment, vacation, annealing, heating system

© 2001-2025 Exhibition Company Mir-Expo / Multichannel phones: +7 800 333-78-25, +7 (495) 137-78-25 / Exhibitions in Moscow
The contents of this website are to be used for any purposes after getting a written permission of Mir-Expo Exhibition Company (Organizer) only.