18th International Conference
«Innovation Technologies of Heat Treatment»

In the framework of the Heat Treatment - 2025 Exhibition the 18th International Practical-Research Conference “Innovation Technologies of Heat Treatment” will take place.

Date: September 17, 2025

Venue: Conference-hall, Pavilion 57, VDNH, Moscow, Russia

Apply for the report (when booking, it is desirable to specify the time of your presentation and the number of reports)

Conference regulations:

Every delegate is given 15 minutes for a report + 5 minutes for a discussion of the report and for the questions of the audience. The conference hall will be equipped with a projector, a laptop and a microphone. The slides for the reports must be either in Power Point or in pictures. The theses of the reports will be published in an official book of theses – reports of the conference.

Prices for participation in the conference:

The cost of participation in the business program and a possible time slot are provided upon receipt of a completed application from the participant.

Request for the presentation:

Contact person:
Company name:
Phone (with code):
Fax (with code):
Sphere of the activity:
Speech time:
Number of speeches:
Theme of the speech:
Download the application form for participation in the International conference Innovation Technologies of Heat Treatment

Download the application form for participation in the 18th International conference
"Innovation Technologies of Heat Treatment" in MS Word

Registration for presenting a report at the conference or registration as visitor:

For presenting a report at the conference or attending as a visitor you should fill in the online registration form, our manager will contact you to clear out the details of your participation.



18th International Specialized Exhibition "Heat Treatment - 2025", September, 2025, Moscow, Russia

Heat treatment, industrial furnaces, laboratory furnaces, induction equipment, lining, insulation, carbon materials, refractories, endogenerators, centrifugal casting, non-destructive testing, kiln,
hardening equipment, vacation, annealing, heating system

© 2001-2025 Exhibition Company Mir-Expo / Multichannel phones: +7 800 333-78-25, +7 (495) 137-78-25 / Exhibitions in Moscow
The contents of this website are to be used for any purposes after getting a written permission of Mir-Expo Exhibition Company (Organizer) only.